Requests for AES Dominicana Foundation support

About AES Dominicana Foundation

The AES Dominicana Foundation is a non-profit organization that works for the protection of the Earth and the well-being of its inhabitants,  especially those families living in communities where the AES Dominican Group's power generation assets are operate. We focus on addressing environmental, educational and health needs as priority areas in the communities neighboring our plants, and responding to national needs in emergency situations and natural disasters.

The Foundation does not limit itself to meeting the material needs of its neighbors, but also extends its work towards feeding the community's soul through art and culture by supporting the orange economy that drives the Dominican Republic to foster the development of talent. To this end, we have been a main sponsor of the Trampolín Children's Museum in the beautiful Colonial City of Santo Domingo since 2008; we support young Dominican filmmakers by financing their first film productions; we publish projects to support and promote emerging Dominican visual artists; and, in alliance with the National Conservatory of Music, we cover scholarships for musically-gifted Dominicans to study at the world famous Berklee College of Music in Boston, United States, in alliance with the National Conservatory of Music.
Bringing joy to the world is of great importance to the AES Dominicana Foundation, as an echo of one of the most deeply rooted human values in our corporate DNA. At AES Dominicana Group we work with joy and enjoy what we do.

Edwin De los Santos, President


Our mission is to express Corporate Social Responsibility in the chosen areas (Culture, Education, Sports, and Health) by promoting jointly our corporate values and the voluntary collaboration of personnel from the various AES Dominicana companies.

Foundation Board


Edwin De los Santos


Bredyg Disla

Executive Vice President

Giselle Leger


Foundation Executive Committee


Bredyg Disla


Betty Mejía
Rita Peña
Rita Tirado



American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM)

The AES Dominicana Foundation, with the American Chamber of Commerce (AMCHAM) / United States Agency for International Development (USAID), works on projects that aid education, while gradually strengthening the schools´ capacities to improve practices, processes and self-management.

AES Dominicana Foundation-INTEC Scholarships

The AES Dominicana Foundation and the Technological Institute of Santo Domingo (INTEC), have signed a cooperation agreement to grant scholarships through INTEC’s program Outstanding Students (PIES).

Recicla con Puntos Limpios (Clean Point Recycling)

Recicla con punto Limpio is an environmental program that has been developed with the Center for Agro Forestry Development (CEDAF) in the neighboring communities of AES Dominicana power plants. This program aims at creating awareness about the importance of recycling plastic and paper by encouraging the 3Rs culture (Reducing, Reusing and Recycling) and turning these into agents of change.